How to Add Product in The Cart

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The user interface of Vitepos is the cleanest eye-catchy and obviously user-friendly. Users can access this UI easily. The effective & simple layout makes it easy for users to use it. At the same time, your agent will happy to use it.

Let’s have look at the below image, to know how to add a product to the cart. 


From the list of products that you want to add to the cart just click upon those products. The products will automatically add to the cart. It is very easy to add a product to the cart. 

How to Search Products & Add to Cart

Search product in Vitepos is easy. Just tap on the search bar and choose how you would like to search product?

You will get two options, one is search via Barcode Scanner and another one is search via Product title.

When you pick the Barcode search option, you will be able to search products and add to cart directly via a barcode scanner. 

In the mobile view, you don’t need any barcode scanner. You can scan the barcode via your mobile camera.


Filter your products by category, it helps you to search products in a short time.

Add Variation Products to the Cart

Products that’s have a variable icon next to them are Variation products. By clicking on this product, you can easily choose the product variation and add it to the cart.

Product Discount

During checkout time you can easily discount an order. You can give a discount upon the sum of the order or % of the amount.

Also, you can add an order fee if it has any and can add an order note.

For your shop agent, we included a calculator also.

Add Customer in Checkout Time

There are two ways to add a customer. If you type the first few letters of a customer’s name in the search box, it will come to the suggestion box if the customer has already added.

And the second method, if your customer is new, you can add customer information instantly from this add button.

Order Hold Option

If for any reason there is a delay in the order processing time of a customer then the shop agent can keep that order in the hold option.
Due to which the agent will not have any problem in taking any subsequent order.

And when the customer returns, the agent will be able to pay for his previous order by releasing the order from the hold list. This is a very useful and popular option.

Order Payment Option & Split Payment

After adding the product to the cart, you can easily go to the payment option from the Pay Now button below.

After clicking on the Pay Now button you will see a window like the below. Where your customers can pay your order through different methods/split payment methods.

If your customer wants to pay via one method then it also can be possible in the system. This option is a very useful medium to pay. This will keep your customers happy.

If you think that some of the products in the order need to be reduced or increased, then you can get this opportunity from the left side of the panel.

After a successful order payment, you will get a nice invoice or money receipt. Which you can print directly. And you can save and keep it for later.
Clicking New Sale will take you back to the dashboard and you can take another new order.

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